
Ongoing Projects:

  1. Guitar Chord Trainer - Find chords and scales on a stringed instrument of various tunings. “Search” by notes used, color notes by interval, and find scales to match chord tones and vice-versa.
  2. Algorithm Visualizations - Visualization of the data structures from Okasaki’s Purely Functional Data Structures, as well as other functional structures.
  3. P-adic Visualization - Visualizations of the P-adic numbers and how they transform based on linear transformations.
  4. ShantyBot - Twitter Bot which does document lookup and retrieval to find lyrics to sea shanties, based on a Twitter mention of a phrase.
  5. Servant and Opaleye Tutorial - Setting up a blog with the Haskell web framework Servant and the database library Opaleye.
  6. Hexation - Three-player game based on Domineering, with AIs as players. They’ve been trapped in a cage since birth, learning the game through playing each other - watch how these recluses think and picture the board.
  7. Hermes Word Predictor - A word predictor written as a Shiny app.
  8. Threals - Threals, a three-player variant on Surreal Numbers and Combinatorial Game Theory. I’ve been working on their theory, though the main holdup is that I cannot seem to find a zero game, so the theory cannot be made into a group.
  9. Flux Education - Based on the principle that math should be a) visualizable, b) interactive, and c) able to be explained in English. (Currently under reconstruction.)