Monads as Design Patterns

Posted on July 8, 2018
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Functional abstractions like Monads are often presented in the contexts of typeclasses, with attendent libraries and syntax to learn.

I think typeclasses are fantastic. But I also think that this creates an additional hurdle. So I’d like to focus on abstractions as design patterns. We want to solve an issue; we have some goal in mind which we don’t know how to reach yet, but the pattern gives us some relatively easy-to-assemble but not immediately straightforward methods to reach that goal.

With that in mind, today I’d like to cover Monads, with a glance at Applicatives as well (later, I’ll cover the similarities and differences between them). In the next post, I’ll present Comonads as a similar design pattern.

So to be clear:

Goal: To be able to compose multiple items with the same added functionality Pattern: Implement flatMap, map, and unit methods.

(You may notice that I’m taking a Scala approach here instead of the previous Haskell-based posts. First, if you’re learning Haskell, you have probably already been convinced of the use of abstractions such as Monads. Second, I’m working as a Scala dev now, so this is my life at the moment, for good or for ill.)

The Reader Monad

To start, let’s take the Reader monad. Reader[R,A] is dependency injection - give a value of type R, and use it to calculate some A. The following example doesn’t use any typeclass magic or anything, or actually any libraries at all; just the basic few functions required by a Monad so that we can compose steps.

And with that, let’s create some sort of config which can be passed in as a dependency:

Now that we have the setup, let’s create some config-dependent values:

We have two different ways to combine these before having to pass in any configuration - we can stack our Reader legos together to get more Readers. The first way uses the fact that we implemented flatMap and map to use Scala’s for syntax:

And the second way uses the sequence function we implemented to be able to take an entire sequence of config-dependent values (perhaps determined dynamically at runtime) and wrap them into a single config-dependent value:

Now let’s run all three versions with configuration added:

The State Monad

The Reader monad allows us to read in dependencies, but not to alter them. It is essentially a wrapper around a function R => A. If we want to update the value passed in, we’ll have to make sure that we output the updated version. This would give us a function such as: S => (A, S). We can reuse most of the above code:

It’s no fun having State to modify if we don’t modify it, so let’s add some functions to do so:

We’ll reuse our Readers and have them modify the state while they read it:

Running it once gives us the same results as before, except it also returns an updated version of our Config:

But we can also try running it multiple times in succession:

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